Monday, 23 March 2009

Spring has Sprung

Nice to be about and about again, it seems so long since we were able to have a nice day birding. Sorry we havent kept up our blog but with one thing and another it hasnt been possible...but we hope that will change now especially with the weather picking up and we can get back to normal. We have a new member of the family not a baby..a little dog 'Emm'. Shes a cross with a minature yorkie & jack russell, so shes got plenty of character, a real holy terror...but cute.
Ive added some of the popular birding blog links too...finally managed to sort it out and i will add more as i go.
Nice to be back :)

Theres actually 3 in this pic...toads/frogs?? dont know anything about them, they must be mating..but 3?


Stewart said...

Good to see you back Lesley. Your 'phibs are toads. I do like the family addition, you'll have your work cut out there I bet... :)

Seaside Observers said...

Thanks Stewart malcolm thought they were toads but i dont know anything about them. There was dozens of then leaping around the pond in south middleton i was fascinated by them. And we sat and watched a white stoat..ermine it was brilliant, i got it on my camera video for a few seconds. There was a flock of birds up there too but we couldnt identify them properly..slightly larger than a starling, buff breast, green/brown back, looked to small for a fieldfare, but didnt have the eye stripe, but i suppose they couldve been. Hard to tell sometimes if you cant get right up close. Black redstart and 3 moorhens there and plenty of finches. Emm sure is a lively little critter..keeps me on my toes :)